Isosurface Quality
Isosurface Quality
Once we start working with isosurfaces, we need to start worrying about the trade-offs between speed and quality.
In my case, this started with needing to adapt topological computations from tetrahedral meshes to cubic meshes, but
it rapidly took on a life of it's own. In other words how do we turn a cubic mesh into a tetrahedral mesh,
and what are the side-effects?
This led to work on alternate mesh lattices and their marching cases:
The question of isosurface accuracy then led me to use geometric and topological arguments to confirm the correct
trilinear cases for Marching Cubes (VolVis 2007 Best Paper Award):
Other Research Topics:
Contour Tree Computation
Scalar Topological Visualisation
Isosurface Acceleration
Direct Volume Rendering
Histograms and Isosurfaces
Topological Comparisons
Multivariate Topology
Fiber Surfaces
Aerial Urban LiDAR
Exascale Data Analysis