Dody Dharma
Room: 2.04 Sir William Henry Bragg Building
Starting in September 2019 , I am a Postgraduate Researcher at Visualization and Computer Graphics Group , School of Computing , University of Leeds. For almost 5 years prior to that, I had been part of the Informatics Research Group at ITB, Institut Teknologi Bandung – Indonesia.
Currently, I'm doing research on Real-time Unified Continuum (Fluid and Deformable Solid) Simulation using Deep Learning. My research focuses on building Neural Network models to accelerate fully coupled fluids-deformable solids simulation for content in realtime application(e.g., AR,VR, or Games). In addition, my research also related to analysis of vorticity conservation in neural network based fluid simulation. My Supervisors are Dr.He Wang & Prof. Peter Jimack .
Previously I worked on optimization of fluid simulation using Parallel Computing through GPU (Graphical Processing Unit). I received my bachelor & master degree in ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung).