Many thanks to Roy for his talk today demonstrating the Leeds Virtual Microscope project to commemorate the decommissioning of this fantastic piece of equipment. Abstract: Our original 6.08 Powerwall is about to be decommissioned. This talk will describe the 13-year journey, from left-over funds, to a surprise encounter about a killer application, award-winning research and...
In a interesting turn of events, the school has decided to use an image from one of my late-night CityEngine to Blender debugging runs to illustrate "world-leading research". I (twak) couldn't quite figure out how to get coloured shader graphics in the Cycles render engine, but other shaders (like "glow-very-blue") worked just fine. Update 10.19....
Via the magic of json and javascript, the website now has a demo mode [src]. The full screen demo even has an extreme mode for those who like to live on the edge (and have sufficient bandwidth).
Our webpage listing the group's publications is now up. Many thanks to the team at White Rose and the authors of papercite for their fantastic plugin for making this possible. The bibtex format from White Rose was a big time saver. However, papercite didn't like Whiterose’s super-long bibtex URLs, so we use a url shortener...
"Visualizing Urban Digital Twins" presented by Prof Nick Holliman - a project supported by The Alan Turing Institute Abstract - Photo-realistic terapixel visualization is computationally intensive and to date there have been no such visualizations of urban digital twins, the few terapixel visualizations that exist have looked towards space rather than earth. Our aims here are: creating a scalable cloud supercomputer...
We would like to welcome our two new lecturers to the group - Tianjia Shao and Tom Kelly. We wish them all the best with their new careers at Leeds.