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VCG Reading Group

The group gathers every week to discuss a paper. This is usually Wednesday 3-4pm in 8.01, with the exception of socials at 4pm every four weeks. Members of the university may join our mailing list to get updates on the meetings. You can join from a campus network computer.

Upcoming presentations:

note: due to ongoing "developments", the VCG group won't be meeting. We welcome proposals for online presentations.

  • 25.3.20: ?
  • 1.4.20: ?
  • 8.4.20: ?
  • 15.4.20: Social 4-5pm (meeting outside Roy's office)

Past presentations:

  • 18.3.20: covid19'd: Social 4-5pm (meeting outside Roy's office)
  • 11.3.20: 3pm, Hamish: Students' Presentations
  • 26.2.20, 3.30pm, Feixiang He, A paper about crowd analysis
  • 4.3.20: 3pm, Hamish: Distributed Contour Tree Computation
  • 19.2.20: Social 4-5pm (meeting outside Roy's office)
  • 12.2.20: 3.30pm, Tom, GANs for Image Generation. In particular StyleGAN2 (video).

reading in a tree